A Little Controversy at Juniper Ridge CGC CGCA TKN TKI VHMP
Shady is a 23" 54 pound AKC registered Standard Poodle. Shady is confident, goofy, and is as sweet as he is beautiful. Shady loves learning, following his momma everywhere and bringing in treasures from outside. Shady will be our first UKC Champion, and (fingers crossed) finishes soon!
Health Testing (click to see results and OFA testing in gallery)
Embark: clear
Color traits: Ee kyky atat BB spsp 7/10 (black phantom tuxedo that carries red)
PawPrints: F/F (no weak furnishings)
OFA Hips: good
OFA cardiac: normal
OFA eyes: normal

BriarPatch's Coming In Hot to Juniper Ridge
Chile is a small AKC Standard Poodle that is 19" and 26lbs. He is curious, sweet, loves everyone he meets and is always up for an adventure. He's fun, playful and has a goofy personality that we just adore.
Health Testing (click to see results and OFA testing in gallery)
Embark: clear
Color traits: Eme kyky atat bb spsp 5/10 (brown phantom parti that carries red)
PawPrints: F/F (no weak furnishings)
PawPrints: clear of CDDY/CDPA
OFA Hips: good
OFA elbows: normal
OFA cardiac: normal
OFA eyes: normal
​Chile is available to approved females for both Poodles and Doodles via live cover (with a negative brucellosis) with no restrictions.

Juniper Ridge World on my Shoulders CGC TKN
Atlas is a 24" and 57lb pup we produced here at Juniper Ridge and we're thrilled with how he's matured! He is intelligent, human focused, gentle and such a sweetheart.
Health Testing (click to see results and OFA results in gallery)
Embark: clear
Color traits: EmE kyky atat Bb Ssp 9/10 (black phantom that carries brown and parti)
PawPrints: F/F (no weak furnishings)
OFA Hips: good
OFA elbows: normal
OFA cardiac: normal
OFA eyes: normal